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Shifting Views

Wow, this was a difficult reading. I struggled with it. Thanks for the podcast though, I believe it helped. The excerpt of Jake and Leeann was not surprising to me, I have evidenced such things for myself. However I was blown away by the discourse of Sean and Terry. I can't imagine preschoolers talking/behaving in that way. I am a southern lady as Dr. Jackson said and have not been exposed to preschoolers being that vulgar. What was even more shocking was the teachers lack of response.
I highlighted the quote on page 33, "We have small lives, easily lost in foreign droughts or famines." I can totally relate to this quote, I often feel that my own life or things that I have done are meaningless in the big picture. However as the text alluded to is there anything so small that it doesn't make a difference, to someone or somewhere?
The text also made me think about the way I think about literacy. I must admit that Hicks points out things that I had not thought about that so much of literacy is social and cultural. I think I knew the two were related just not the extent that the author suggests. I also like the idea of shifting. I don't always think of things shifting but everything shifts. Everytime I read another article my ideas and views are shifted.
Again I thought this was a difficult text but it certainly makes me think.
SuSu Watson


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Comments (2)

Christy Rivers:

I like the point you brought up about our lives being so small in the big picture yet the small details are important. This is so true. Are our lives really that small if this is the case? I also totally agree with you that my viewpoints are constantly shifting with whatever we're reading for the week. I love how these readings are pushing my boundaries and teaching me new ideas and new ways to think.

Ashley Catlett:

This text was so difficult. If this book was written for teachers, why is it so hard to read? We can't all be bad at this! :-)

Ashley Catlett

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