- 2009.05.05: A Change is Gonna Come............
- 2009.05.04: Love, Motivation and Inspiration
- 2009.05.01: Thinking Differently
- 2009.05.01: What then is personal identity? It is the persistence of certain defining characteristics in a very complex orderly society endowed with a preeminent linear society or "soul" -Professor Hartshorne
- 2009.04.30: With reflection comes growth
- 2009.04.30: A long way to go...
- 2009.04.30: The change within
- 2009.04.30: Change is Growth
- 2009.04.30: We've Reached The End
- 2009.04.29: Queen of the Castle
- 2009.04.29: Pushing the limits
- 2009.04.28: Comfort Zone
- 2009.04.28: moral action
- 2009.04.28: Being open-minded
- 2009.04.26: My Flower Garden
- 2009.04.24: "Ain't" ain't a word...
- 2009.04.24: Reviewing my philosophies...
- 2009.04.24: Teaching and touching lives
- 2009.04.24: It's complicated
- 2009.04.24: "Maybe it's the same with people, Hugo continued. If you lose your purpose, it's like you are broken."
- 2009.04.24: Living & Writing
- 2009.04.24: Ver'nost and an open heart
- 2009.04.24: The survey says....
- 2009.04.24: "No one cares what you know, until they know you care.
- 2009.04.24: Faithfulness (ver’nost)
- 2009.04.24: Love is in the air.....
- 2009.04.24: understanding our complexities
- 2009.04.24: Teachers teach students
- 2009.04.18: The Road Less Traveled
- 2009.04.17: Confused
- 2009.04.17: Learning from our students' experiences
- 2009.04.17: losing a child's interest
- 2009.04.17: Individualized Education
- 2009.04.17: Fantasy vs. Reality
- 2009.04.17: Home/School Connection
- 2009.04.17: Closing the Gap
- 2009.04.17: "Reading Don't Fix No Chevys"
- 2009.04.17: Home is Where your Story Begins
- 2009.04.17: One Size Does Not Fit All
- 2009.04.17: Boys, the South and NASCAR
- 2009.04.16: what's wrong with action?
- 2009.04.15: They remained isolated moments of connection with school textual practices…
- 2009.04.10: Living beyond their years
- 2009.04.10: Growing the Gap
- 2009.04.10: Choices
- 2009.04.10: The "EC" Label=Low Intelligence
- 2009.04.10: Girls like Laurie need to find safe classroom spaces…
- 2009.04.10: Feeling helpless
- 2009.04.10: A student I know...
- 2009.04.10: Developmental Stages vs. Disabled
- 2009.04.10: What happens when...
- 2009.04.10: Someday My Prince Will Come
- 2009.04.10: Fractured Fairy Tales
- 2009.04.10: Observer, Teacher, Researcher
- 2009.04.09: “Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing”
- 2009.04.08: perceptions of power
- 2009.04.05: “So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall.” - Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- 2009.04.03: Bamboo whistles and Monkey Bottom
- 2009.04.03: My Literacy, My Life
- 2009.04.03: Bible Belt Raisin'
- 2009.04.03: "I can read my students like a book..."
- 2009.04.03: Life according to Mason Dixon
- 2009.04.03: Construction Zone
- 2009.04.03: A Person with a History
- 2009.04.03: To Learn or Not to Learn
- 2009.04.03: Making a connection
- 2009.04.03: If you can't find me, I'm probably in the barn
- 2009.04.02: Family Values
- 2009.04.01: strings of pearls and school-aged girls
- 2009.03.31: Trips to the Library
- 2009.03.27: Code Switiching through literacy
- 2009.03.27: Discovering Who You Are
- 2009.03.27: Resculpting
- 2009.03.27: Practice Makes Permanent
- 2009.03.27: Resisting the transition
- 2009.03.27: Learning is Automatic?
- 2009.03.27: "From the kitchen to the classroom"
- 2009.03.27: Shifting Views
- 2009.03.27: Situating Myself
- 2009.03.27: Color me...confused!
- 2009.03.27: "Through dialogue, the teacher-of-the-students and the students-of-the-teacher cease to exist and a new term emerges: teacher-student with students-teacher." ~ Paulo Freire
- 2009.03.26: Cinderella you are emancipated!
- 2009.03.26: "It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education." - Albert Einstein
- 2009.03.25: Myth or Reality?
- 2009.03.20: The Prelude
- 2009.03.20: The Art of StoryTelling
- 2009.03.20: Turn off the T.V.
- 2009.03.20: The Impotance of Storytelling
- 2009.03.20: The destiny of the world is determined less by the battles that are lost and won than by the stories it loves and believes in. ~ Harold Goddard
- 2009.03.20: Border Crossing
- 2009.03.20: Story is far older than the art of science and psychology, and will always be the elder in the equation no matter how much time passes. -Clarissa Pinkola Estes
- 2009.03.20: Narrating is...
- 2009.03.20: Stories are memories of the past
- 2009.03.20: I am Blessed
- 2009.03.20: Stories written and told
- 2009.03.19: “My story was all I had with me, the only remnant of my past”…
- 2009.03.17: acculturation and transformation
- 2009.03.15: The Power of Purpose
- 2009.02.28:
- 2009.02.27: "Where Do I Fit In?"
- 2009.02.27: Literacy comes in many forms
- 2009.02.27: Biased Opinions
- 2009.02.27: A Salad Bowl Nation
- 2009.02.27: Preaching to the Choir
- 2009.02.27: Assimilation and Literacy
- 2009.02.27: Closing the gap....between home and school...
- 2009.02.27: “So don’t be afraid of feeling hard feelings out loud”.
- 2009.02.27: Singing a story
- 2009.02.27: Reshaped Literacy
- 2009.02.26: A Reason for Learning
- 2009.02.26: Be Made Known
- 2009.02.25: just kind of there...
- 2009.02.20: Well behaved women rarely make history" - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
- 2009.02.20: Lift Every Voice...........
- 2009.02.20: A Teacher at Heart
- 2009.02.20: I Can't Hear YOU!!??
- 2009.02.20: Speakin' and Writin'
- 2009.02.20: Expression through rap
- 2009.02.20: A dis one me a tek- I'm taking this one
- 2009.02.20: Knowing Every Student
- 2009.02.20: What's the difference between "up" & "out"?
- 2009.02.19: My dad gets drunk and beats up me and my mom
- 2009.02.19: Shifting The School's Focus
- 2009.02.19: A Safe Place
- 2009.02.18: Writing to speak out
- 2009.02.18: Finding Voice
- 2009.02.13: Tough Topics
- 2009.02.13: An Uncomfort Zone
- 2009.02.13: An Emotional Connection
- 2009.02.13: What I Bring to the Table
- 2009.02.13: The question is not,—how much does the youth know? when he has finished his education—but how much does he care?"- Charlotte Mason
- 2009.02.13: The Beauty in 'thrsty'
- 2009.02.13: Understanding the Children Behind the Numbers
- 2009.02.13: I am going to do that?
- 2009.02.13: "Read through the non-readers eyes"
- 2009.02.13: Reading and experience
- 2009.02.13: (t)reading through...
- 2009.02.13: We're in the low class...
- 2009.02.13: The Friendship Flight
- 2009.02.11: Reading Life Through Texts
- 2009.02.06: It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It!
- 2009.02.06: Pears and Oranges
- 2009.02.06: Clear Vision
- 2009.02.06: I understand a fury in your words, But not the words. William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "Othello", Act 4 scene 2
- 2009.02.06: Misscommunicating
- 2009.02.06: Becoming more aware
- 2009.02.06: Learning to listen, as well as speak
- 2009.02.06: Ain't-a That Good News?
- 2009.02.06: "Language Validity is based on politics, not science"...
- 2009.02.06: Dinner at the White House
- 2009.02.05: Is that really how I sound?
- 2009.02.05: Watch what you say
- 2009.02.05: Teachers...get educated
- 2009.02.04: When My Reading Becomes My Reality
- 2009.01.30: "You Have My Permission to Fail!"
- 2009.01.30: Teachable and Reachable
- 2009.01.30: Understanding our children and giving them the tools to speak to the world, not just to a small group
- 2009.01.30: Accepting all students as people
- 2009.01.30: “To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.” ~~ Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
- 2009.01.30: The lighting of a fire
- 2009.01.30: "Show", don't just "say" that you demand success!
- 2009.01.30: A variety of thoughts...
- 2009.01.30: from Sugar Cane's Dream to The Magnificent Seven
- 2009.01.30: Brilliant Language
- 2009.01.30: There are a lot of "isms" in the school system...
- 2009.01.29: Guilty
- 2009.01.29: Accept them
- 2009.01.28: Speak up! (?)
- 2009.01.23: English is the American Language?
- 2009.01.23: The Paradox of Language
- 2009.01.23: Everyone wears multiple "faces" when it comes to speaking!
- 2009.01.23: "I had done axed you when he was being funeralized...on tomorrow, on today, or on yesterday? Was it from the tortealya tacos or cuz he was detoxicated?"
- 2009.01.23: What do you lose when you lose your language?
- 2009.01.23: "No one should judge another soul"
- 2009.01.23: When I am being professional...
- 2009.01.23: I'll have the saLmon
- 2009.01.23: Language and Identity
- 2009.01.22: To build community, or not to build community is my question.....
- 2009.01.20: Devil's Advocate
- 2009.01.19: Oops! I'm Late!
- 2009.01.19: The Bluebird
- 2009.01.19: Put Your Pencils Up!
- 2009.01.18: Differences are not deficiencies
- 2009.01.18: "Ayah"
- 2009.01.16: Bonjourno Everybody!!
- 2009.01.16: Politically Correct
- 2009.01.16: A Means to an End
- 2009.01.15: Genghis Who?
- 2009.01.15: Why Me?
- 2009.01.15: Lightbulb Moments
- 2009.01.15: Read 'em and Reap--
- 2009.01.14: Sarah Feinman- Fantastic First Grade Teacher
- 2009.01.14: Reading la Vida Loca...
- 2009.01.14: Becoming Amie Brock Snow
- 2009.01.13: Who is Ashley Catlett?
- 2009.01.12: Hi Guys! A little about me...