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Growing the Gap

As I read Laurie's story I was so frustrated and saddened, not only because of what she went through but because I encounter students like Laurie everyday. I have two "Laurie's" in my class. I am sure this in not uncommon among other 3rd grade classes. "Something" just happens between 2nd and 3rd grade. Students that used to be successful in kindergarten through 2nd grade are suddenly struggling to find their place in the classroom.

After the 1st quarter of school I usually pull cumulative folders and copy the writing samples from the previous year and I compare them as the school year progresses. It is always interesting to see some students stop being good creative writers as they get caught up in the conventions and mechanics of writing vs. just telling a good story. I see some of my students get less interested in reading as they are expected to read more. There is always an underlying factor for this change in academic performance, and all too often it happens because of the disconnect.

I wish there was a fool proof plan for all the Laurie's in the world. Better parenting for them, more supportive and pro-active teachers for them, no more misdiagnosis of behaviors or lack thereof, and instruction that is still packed with rigor but paced for mastery. It has been my experience that once a student starts falling through the crack you have to grab them anywhere you can so that they don't fall completely. It seems that once they have completely fallen there is no coming back. From there the achievement gap just grows and grows from year to year.
Cherrita Hayden-McMillan


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Comments (1)

Whitney Gilbert:

I too wish there were fool proof plans. I struggle daily with frustration towards parents, doctors, other educators too who mis-diagnose children or provide less than acceptable support and education. Unfortunately, this seems to be society now. I guess all we cand do is our best and hope for these children, as awful and limiting as that sounds.

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