I too as Stefoni said would like to find time to read Lives on the Boundary by Mike Rose. I would like to read more about his placement in high school and and how he was affected by "switching tracks". I was also moved by the picture he presented with his teacher Mr. MacFarland who became his mentor and role model. So many times I have heard, "You can't be friends with your students, they already have friends." This is an issue I wrestle with, I agree with the statement, but we have to show the students we care, because "No one cares what you know, until they know you care." The caring involves a two way street similiar to friendship. ( As a teacher only in my fourth year, I would love some feedback on this issue.)
Hicks asks the question "What can help teachers move toward more responsive kinds of literacy practices with working class children?" Then she answers her own question with "It is an effort to learn about this community, this neighborhood, this family." (p. 154) I agree with this statement wholeheartly. Every one needs to find what works in their communtiy, then remember it won't work with everyone in the community. I have a key to my school that opens most of the doors in my school, yet it won't open all the doors. We need to remember we are dealing with individuals, not mass produced generic people, that fit a particular stereotype.
SuSu Watson
Comments (4)
Hi SuSu. I think that you can care for your students, be an advocate for your students while not becoming their 'friend'. Students need us to be their strength, to push them when they think they can go no further and to maintain the highest expectations for them, even when they don't think they can reach them. Teachers should be there for their students, willing to listen to their students and be a support system as well. Joking around with our students and being human with them is important but so is maintaining a sense of respect between you and your student. I also believe that most students need and want to feel safe, to know that their are expectations and procedures that keep everyone on track, learning, and safe. Our job is to maintain that and to offer our students an environment where they learn to work and learn as a community with the support of a slightly more experienced coach.
Posted by Amie Snow | April 26, 2009 10:59 AM
Posted on April 26, 2009 10:59
I teach second grade now, so the idea of "friendship" with my students is not really an issue. I try to KNOW them, however, and ask about their out of school activities, and even try to attend some of them. I think I want them to know I am "INTERESTED" in them as a person, not just as a student in my class. I used to teach middle school and followed the same prinicples. I place a lot of emphasis and value on words and I value their words. I also want them to know they are loved, no matter if math is difficult for them or reading is a struggle, that is only one piece to who they are. So, I am a mushy-gushy teacher. I do not buy into the don't smile until Christmas motto. I much rather believe as you that when they know how much I care, I have caught their desire to learn from me.
Posted by stefoni shaw | April 26, 2009 4:58 PM
Posted on April 26, 2009 16:58
As a young high school teacher (I'm 26 now), many of my students like to think of me as the "hip" and "cool" teacher that they want to befriend. It's a slippery slope though. When the students aren't that much younger than you, the idea of friendship becomes a little more real and a little more sketchy. Many of my seniors ask me about my college experiences; they want to know about the drinking and the partying and the drugs (none of which I was involved with). I try to distance myself with getting involved in those types of more "friendly" conversations. They can really come back to haunt you later. Of course, most of you as elementary teachers won't have to worry about this!
Posted by Christy Rivers | April 27, 2009 9:29 PM
Posted on April 27, 2009 21:29
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Posted by Greg | February 20, 2010 9:07 AM
Posted on February 20, 2010 09:07