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Reviewing my philosophies...

This final chapter of reading proved to be a great reminder of the concepts I have personally examined throughout the semester. I was reminded of the importance of individualizing education above all other methods of instruction. Hicks reminded us that we should not take a simplistic view. This theme has been weaved throughout the readings and conversations during the semester. Whether with regards to race, sex, religion, or any other devisive factor, it is important that we recognize and support the differences among our students. However, after realizing that students do fall into any one or more of these categories, their instruction must be broken into smaller pieces. As has already been mentioned, each child within any group will have special circumstances and unique needs.

Then, I was also reminded of the idea that we teach with a purpose or goal in mind and that we should be passionate. As a self-proclaimed passionate person, I want to instill that same type of undying love for something in all of my students. I have a true passion for learning and for life. Whether it is reading, watching television, or living life, I want to learn more about everything. I was the child who would actually prefer to read nonfiction works over the flowery fiction works that other children chose. It is my goal at the beginning of each day to help all of my students find a spark of that type of passion within themselves for learning. Each student will have his own specific subject for which he is most passionate about learning; however, I do not mind at all, as long as he has found that deep rooted love for something. The concluding chapter of Hicks work reminded me of this need for a purpose and for passion.

Overall, I feel that the last chapter and week reminded me that teaching is about relationships and personalities possibly more than subject matter. I can master any content yet fail as an educator. I must build relationships with my students, show them I care, have a purpose for their learning, and be an example of the type of passion I want them to have for something. I have thought of all of these components throughout the semester; however, I felt that this final reading (along with the mental state of knowing that the end is near) acted as a reminder of all of my previous ideas.

Brittany Guy


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Comments (9)

Ashley Catlett:

I think relationships are more important than the subject matter. The last job I interviewed for, the principal asked me my philosophy of education. I told him I teach students, not English. I got the job. I think there are many people who do value the subject matter over the students, but I think that is a dangerous place to be.

Ashley Catlett

Jayne Thompson:

Thanks for the reminder that it's about relationships. I've always been a task oriented person and it has been hard for me to take the time to build the relationships. But I've learned that until I have a relationship built on mutual trust with my students, their minds aren't open to the learning.

Heather Coe:

Like you, one of my teaching goals is to instill passion into my students. I think that is one of the most desired traits in a person--young or old. Whether they get passionate about history, the world, their relationship with the world, or just learning, I want to encourage them to be passionate about something. With passion, a student can accomplish anything, in my opinion.

Elizabeth Griffin:


I had the same reaction to the last chapter. I feel that our reaction might have been the motive behind the design and content of the last chapter. I felt that Hicks persistently tried to identify aspects of children's lives and did so without the reader feeling so overwhelmed they could not think of what to do. I always felt like our blogs were written in ways that demonstrated that we understood what Hicks was trying to say and we had ideas about what to do for our classrooms. Even though the chapters were intense and we were able to identify positive strategies that we could use, it was very nice to have the last chapter remind us what teaching can be all about: the relationships in the classroom that foster higher learning.

Amy Spade:

Relationships can make all the difference in the world, inside and outside of our classrooms. Hick's book was a wonderful reminder of how important it is to establish and maintain these relationships with our kids. Through developing these relationships we leave the idea of just teaching students the curriculum and we develop life long learners that have a passion for learning.

Whitney Gilbert:

Brittany, I agree totally. In order to get children to buy into learning, you have to establish this personal relationship. The saddest story happened recently at school. A child that has a horrible homelife, who is so bright, had recently been exhibiting attention issues and signs of aggression in class. Well, through a lot of discussion with his grandmother, he was receiving counseling and medication. he was doing so much better, but another teacher brought up something out of school that happened and he snapped. He was suspended for five days and now, will not come back to school. They are looking to put him in a home for boys. This has absolutely broken my heart! He was so close and doing so much better, but now, he has completely turned himself off to the though of learning and developing socially. It is a really sad to me and I hope I can get him back. I just wish everyone thought about what they said or did to a child.

SuSu Watson:

Relationships are so important. This last chapter was a wonderful reminder of this. The words we say and how we say them have a tremendous impact on the lives of those around us. Sometimes we forget and make costly mistakes.

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