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Hi Guys! A little about me...

My name is Elizabeth Griffin and I am beginning my first semester of graduate studies. I graduated in December with an undergraduate degree in Special Education from ASU. During my undergraduate studies I took 3 reading courses, and I became really interested in the materials and course work, which helped me decide to continue my education with grad school in reading education. I finished student teaching last semester, and each student I worked with had a disability and was below grade level in reading. I constantly wanted to find interesting ways to integrate literacy into their lives. I want to learn effective and positive ways to teach students and understand their strengths and weaknesses.

On a more personal note, I come from a family that has always incorporated literacy into their lives. When I was young my mother and father always read to me and encouraged me to read with them and I really enjoyed it, but around the sixth grade my interest in reading tanked. My interests didn't pick up until my senior year in high school when I had an English teacher who was AMAZING, I felt comfortable again with literature because of her instruction and support. I continue to apply the strategies and lessons she taught me. It may sound cheesy, but I hope to be a positive affect on students as she was on me.

Elizabeth Griffin


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Comments (3)

Ashley Catlett:

Glad to meet you. I was wondering if you could offer me some technical help. How did you put a category on your entry? I do not see how to do that. I was successful in publishing a comment.

I too had a great English teacher in high school who made me into the writer I am. He totally intimidated me but I learned so much.

Ashley Catlett

Christy Rivers:

It's so cool to hear of other's experiences with influential teachers. I think all of us could pinpoint one or two teachers who shaped us and maybe even caused us to go into the profession itself! Glad your teacher turned you back on to reading :)

Amy Spade:

Isn't it awesome to know that it only takes one positive and awesome teacher to change a child's life. And to know that in any given year that could be one of us and we don't even know it. That is why I have such a love for my job. Having the opportunity to inspire and make a difference in a child's life is priceless.

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