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Who is Ashley Catlett?

I am Ashley Catlett in Mocksville. I love reading and always have. Both my parents read to me and continue to be avid readers, even though they are not very highly educated. One of my favorite things is reading aloud to my 4-year old, Anna. I also love to read aloud to my middle school students. I usually have 2-3 books going at once, in between reading lots of adoption books and blogs.

As an ESL teacher and a soon-to-be adoptive parent of an African child, I am extremely interested in class and race issues. I read Delpit's first book when I got my add-on ESL certificate at NC State and had my eyes opened to a lot of things that I hope to explore further in this course.

I view reading and literacy as the great liberator. If you can read, you can learn and take care of yourself. It breaks my heart to see young adults who are basically enslaved because of their lack of literacy skills.

Good to meet you all!
Ashley Catlett


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Comments (2)

Christy Rivers:

I love how you say that reading and literacy are liberators. You are so right. I see older, struggling readers daily at the high school, and I just know that they will have a lot of problems once they face the real world. Unfortunately, once a child gets through those crucial few years in elementary school and comes out not knowing how to read, it is so hard to get them back on track.

It's nice to "meet" you...look forward to working with you!

Amy Spade:

Hi Ashley! It is good to be in class with you again. That is awesome that you are adopting a child! Congrats!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 13, 2009 9:54 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Hi Guys! A little about me....

The next post in this blog is Becoming Amie Brock Snow.

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