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Lightbulb Moments

My name is Jayne Thompson. I'm a second grade teacher at Union Cross Elementary in Kernersville. I'm also wife to Fred and Mom to sons Eric,19, and Matt, 16. I've been teaching for eleven years and still love it, most days anyway. I'm about three quarters of the way through this graduate program and plan to finish up this summer.

I'm in this program because I love reading. I can remember the moment that I learned to read. My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Caulder, was reading a big book: Dick and Jane. Perhaps it helped that it had my name the story. I felt special and I paid attention. The "lightbulb" flashed for me the moment that I understood that the letters mapped to sounds and the sounds came together to form words. It was a great feeling to "crack-the-code." The rest came easy for me and I've loved reading ever since.

As a teacher, I thrive on creating those "light bulb moments" for my students. Of course, I realize now, that reading does not come so easy for everyone. Over the years of teaching reading, I've become passionate about working with struggling readers. I've really enjoyed learning strategies and methods that work for them. The light bulb moments are fewer, and less frequent, but they mean so much more with a struggling reader. I feel lucky each day that I get to share my passion for reading with my students.

Jayne Thompson


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Comments (2)

Amie Snow:

Hi Jayne. I'm glad to 'see' you again. I remember those 'lightbulb' moments with some of my kindergarteners. It was always so amazing to watch their faces as they began to realize that they could read just like mom and dad, just like their teachers, just like their older brothers and sisters. A whole new world opened up to them when they realized that they could read that first book. I know teaching is hard and we are overworked and underpaid at times, but I can't imagine any other profession that gets the chance to share a moment any more magical than when a child first learns that he or she can read!


Sarah Feinman:

Jayne! I'm so glad you are taking this course too! It was nice to read a snippet about your past, and how the 'lightbulb' turned on for you.

When I am teaching and I see that moment happen with a student it is an amazing feeling.

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