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Read 'em and Reap--

I can't take credit for the above statement (I saw it on a t-shirt once), but isn't this a cool play on words? I think all of us in this class can vouch for the fact that reading is one of the most crucial abilities to have. We are lifelong readers & learners and want our students to be the same. This is why I decided to pursue my Masters in Reading Education; I wanted the students I worked with to have that same love of reading that I do and to be able to do it successfully.

As far as my own reading background, I can't remember a time when I wasn't reading. My parents tell me stories of when I was a wee one, picking up a book and muttering nonsense words while acting like I was reading. As soon as I figured out how to actually read, I devoured anything I could get my hands on. My mother is also a teacher, and every person in my family loves to read--it just came naturally I guess.

As I mentioned previously, I'm a high school English teacher at Ashe County High School. This is my 4th year of teaching. I live in the heart of downtown Boone and LOVE it. My husband and I just moved back to Boone after 4 years of being away--we lived in Bristol, TN before that. If we can have our way, we'll never leave again. My husband is also in grad school, going full-time for College Student Development and works as a GA in the Outdoor Programs office. We are big outdoors enthusiasts and will do anything as long as it's outside. We have a 5 year old chocolate lab who is a sweetie, but not the brightest bulb in the box. I'm originally from South Carolina, where it's hot and flat, so I absolutely love it here. I love Farmer's Markets and good, wholesome food. I like to read about food. I'm slightly obsessed with anything made with pumpkins or sweet potatoes. I'm left-handed. I love to shop. I love coffee and hot tea. I'm 26 years old. I'm a former athlete (volleyball) and now love to do yoga & pilates.

It's nice to "meet" you all! I am thrilled to be in this class and really look forward to hearing everyone's viewpoints on our topics!

Christy Rivers


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